salon artwork
Karen Whyte
about the artist
Giles Alan Nenad Barwick
17.07.72 - 30.11.20
Born in Croatia, Giles moved to Bristol with his family in the 90’s, where he first studied Graphic Design. Following a short course at St. Ives School of Art he enrolled at the University of the West of England and graduated with a BA in Fine Art. Here he was awarded The Innes Wilken Art in Architecture Prize.
For Giles Art became a means of self expression and therapy, drawing and sketching a salutary pursuit as a teenager, a distraction during long periods of hospitalisation whilst battling with Crohn’s Disease.
Early canvasses described as “angst ridden” were nevertheless always seen as bright and lively in nature, his techniques developed from observation and dependent on the moment when inspiration took hold - ”I like things to happen”. The later introduction of females faces to his work drew psychological assumptions for some who knew him well …… the image of a face with closed or even obliterated eyes was linked to Giles long history with his nemesis, Crohn’s disease, once described by him as being “still present, unseen by others and hidden from sight by me”. As far as Giles was concerned the faces had become “the signature element to my work”
Over the years Giles has exhibited in various venues and galleries in and around Bristol and lately at Art Festivals in Italy, the latter leading to a personal profile being included in Stigmazine, a leading Italian Art magazine. One of his ‘face’ paintings was selected to promote literature to support Anorexia and Bulimia Care, at which time he accompanied a group of representatives to the Houses of Parliament to highlight their charity. He has also donated paintings for auction to other charitable organisations including Help the Homeless and Art in Africa, in support of Aids sufferers.
Giles death aged only 48 years came not long after his terminal diagnosis and as always he remained upbeat and determined knowing full well his race was run. Once again he turned for comfort and self expression with his trusty sketchbook and pencil.
Elaine Barwick
April 2021
Jess Knights
Jess Knights is a Bristol based illustrator who puts together different materials and textures to produce something satisfying and visually interesting. She studied BA Illustration at Camberwell College of Arts, London and graduated in 2016. Born in Somerset and raised in Essex, she’s been living back in the South West of England for 3 years.
She loves to illustrate food, drink and lifestyle for clients on a commission basis. You can find her work on her website here: www.jessknights.co.uk
Over Lockdown she has produced new work to exhibit at Hobbs. This work is available to buy on her Etsy shop : www.etsy.com/uk/shop/jessknightscreative
Jess says ‘“I met Doug Hobbs whilst working at my day job, he was buying plants for his salon. We struck up a conversation and he soon offered me a space to exhibit my work on his walls. I’ve got 12 pieces of work on show in the cafe area of the salon, and 8 copies of each print available. I’ve produced original work for the exhibition including Italian themed pieces to celebrate Doug salon owners love of Italy. I’m looking forward to hearing people's reactions to my work and hopefully selling a few prints on my Etsy shop!
I love speaking to other people about their stories and points of view. My illustration comes from having conversations, understanding a story which inspires the illustrating. I think a lot of our problems and worries can be solved just by having a really good chat in a space where it’s comfortable to do so. Doug and his team have created a beautiful space in which clients can feel relaxed and comfortable. I really admire this focus on community and connection.”